The next action-packed installment of the Fast & Furious franchise, Fast & Furious 11, has exciting story details, a promising cast, and even a release window. Fast X marks the beginning of the end for The Fast Saga, kicking off a multipart finale that will wrap up the story of Dom Toretto and his fast and furious found family. Fast 11 follows up on that story as Dom Toretto and his family get closer to their endgame. Vin Diesel, the star and producer of the franchise, is already building hype around the next Fast & Furious movie.
No Fast & Furious sequel has been as intrinsically linked to its predecessor as Fast 11. Whereas most Fast & Furious sequels are their own standalone action movies, Fast 11 is the second part of the overarching storyline that begins in Fast X. It’s a true sequel in the sense that other entries in The Fast Saga aren’t. Since it’s still in the early stages of development, there aren’t many story details or casting announcements for Fast 11 just yet. However, there are a few things known about the next Fast & Furious movie.
Vin Diesel Reveals Filming Is Underway
After a bevy of uncertain updates in recent months, the latest news confirms that Fast 11 is finally filming. The update was provided by Dom Toretto star Vin Diesel, who took to his official Instagram account to share a behind-the-scenes shot of two cars lining up to race. Dom’s classic matte black Chevy Chevelle is seen in the middle ground with another muscle car closer to the camera. In the background, a camera car is getting into position with a large rig for exterior shots attached to the top. Despite Diesel’s photo, many details remain unclear regarding Fast 11‘s production timeline.
The Family Returns In 2026
Jordana Brewster revealed that she didn’t have a timeline for shooting, and it’s unclear exactly when the movie will start filming.
Though the movie was long scheduled for April 2025, the 2023 Hollywood strikes have officially delayed Fast 11 until 2026. Director Louis Leterrier broke the news to fans in May 2024, announcing that the movie begins filming in September 2024. However, that date has since passed without the movie beginning work, and more recent updates have been somewhat uncertain. In November 2024, Jordana Brewster revealed that she didn’t have a timeline for shooting, and it’s unclear exactly when the movie will start filming.
Who Returns For The Family’s Final Outing?
Anyone from Dom’s family who wasn’t killed off in Fast X will be expected to return in Fast 11
Universal hasn’t announced an official Fast 11 cast list, but it seems inevitable for Diesel to return as the series’ lead, Dom Toretto. Anyone from Dom’s family who wasn’t killed off in Fast X will be expected to return in Fast 11. Other main cast members, like Jason Statham as villain-turned-ally Deckard Shaw, Helen Mirren as Shaw’s mother Magdalene “Queenie” Ellmanson-Shaw, and Gal Gadot as Gisele, could also reprise their roles in Fast X Part 2.
Dwayne Johnson’s appearance as Luke Hobbs in Fast X’s post-credits scene will likely lead to a larger supporting role in Fast 11. The post-credit scene also teased the possible return of Eva Mendes as Monica Fuentes. Fast X newcomers like Jason Momoa as the villainous Dante Reyes, Brie Larson as rogue agent Tess, and Daniela Melchior as Brazilian street racer Isabel could reappear in Fast 11 as it follows on from Fast X’s ending.