“Spider-Man 4,” slated for a 2026 release, is set to bring Tom Holland back as Peter Parker, with plans to focus on a more grounded, “street-level” narrative. This direction follows Marvel’s desire to balance quality storytelling with emotional depth rather than relying on the larger-scale spectacle of multiverse elements. Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige has hinted that Spider-Man’s role will align closely with characters like Daredevil, bringing a gritty tone to the narrative as Peter Parker continues to face the challenges of his new anonymity
Although the plot remains largely under wraps, fans speculate the potential return of iconic villains, like Vincent D’Onofrio’s Kingpin, and the possibility of a team-up with Daredevil (Charlie Cox). Marvel is also considering the introduction of Miles Morales, which could pave the way for Holland’s Spider-Man to mentor the next generation
While cast details and the role of returning characters like Zendaya’s MJ remain unclear, the focus on Peter’s struggle to reconnect with those who’ve forgotten him hints at a more personal journey than previous installments.